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Work For Us

Work for Us

Jamores is always willing to recruit and retain the best staff, those with the right attitude, right personality and right temperament, who are committed to caring for children.

Click below for our current vacancies.

Current Vacancies

  • Support Workers
  • Senior Support Workers
  • Team Leaders
  • Deputy Managers
  • Registered Managers
Jamores Leadership Academy

Workforce Development Programme is a key part of Jamores Homes’ approach to developing and supporting its staff. We ensure that are staff are well trained and competent to deliver high quality services to children. We invest in programmes that addresses core competencies based on Ofsted quality standards. We have developed a range of training methods to ensure that we develop and grow our workforce.

We seek to fill leadership and management posts from within the organisation to generate progression routes for staff who wish to take on a management responsibility and progress their career. In the last 12 months, 53 staff have gone through Jamores Academy.

The purpose of the training are development programmes are to ensure that staff:

  1. are competent to fulfil their roles and responsibilities
  2. understand and are working within the remit of Jamores Homes policies and procedures
  3. are provided with an opportunity to develop, and improve their practice
  4. developed and supported to progress into leadership and management role within the organisation, thereby, providing growth for staff and consistency for the children we care for.

We are proud of the impact the “weekly nugget” have had on the growth and development of our staff, including managers. We equip, empower, impact and skill-up our team members via weekly dose (nugget) of knowlegde. This programme has gained fame amongst our staff, as well as our regulators. Everyone loves the weekly nugget!

Kickstart programme

Post covid, Jamores took part in the government Kickstart programmes. We recruited and provided training and work experience for about a dozen candidateswho were willing to work in residential childcare. This is 25-week programme offered relevant training, experience and insight into work in the social care sector. Upon successful completion of the training and work experience, they were offered an opportunity to attain a recognized Level 4 Children, Young People and Families Practitioner Apprenticeship qualification.

We are proud to say 4 of the successful applicants subsequently took up employment with Jamores Homes. We are proud of how much they grew and developmed in their carers.

Over the past ten years, we have impacted our community by caring for the most vulnerable in our society.

Reach Us

Jamores Homes,
Studio 52,
The Engine House (formerly Thames Innovation Centre),
2 Veridion Way,
DA18 4AL.

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